Took a trip down memory lane one day, flicking through that photo album,
So many fond memories, some of ‘em forgotten,
Stumbled upon one from kindergarten years, featured two cute little kids,
One of ‘em yours truly, you being the other, ain’t seen you in years and years,
How we came to share a snap, kind of a funny story, that,
Never were buddies, nor did we interact, boys and girls tend to stick to their own, just a matter of fact,
Parents’ Day was the catalyst, school putting together a celebration, kiddies dancing with one another, that’s how we wound up partners,
Recollections of that day hazy, been more than thirty, feels like a lifetime,
So many highs and lows since, it lies buried deep beneath layers of grime,
This artefact remains the only proof of its occurrence and also our shared existence,
Which, by that time, had become numbered, year’s end brought with it drastic changes,
Both of us destined to leave The Islands, this boy and his fam first cab off the ranks,
Bound for the Land Down Under, a better life lay ahead, so promised the parents,
Heard from the grapevine that you and your folks were bound for the Land Of Opportunity, traveling to opposite sides of the globe,
Never crossed paths again, our time in one anothers’ stories ended,
Can’t lie, looking at this picture kinda makes me wonder where you’re at,
If you yourself possess a keepsake, also how life had turned out for you,
Are you still up there in the States? Maybe moved overseas? Maybe returned to the Philippines?
Married and had you a bunch of kids? Flying solo like many today are wont to do? Wherever you are, hope it all worked out well for you,
Maybe we’d crossed paths by accident over the years, this kid grew up to be quite a traveller, maybe you’d taken a similar path, it’s just one of many possibilities,
But at the end of the day it’s all speculation, don’t get me wrong, I ain’t simping or wishing and hoping,
We were six at the time, too early to be thinking about romance, barely even got to talking, though the classmates did their share of trolling,
About how we’d grow old together, apparently dance partners make good life partners,
Despite the lack of an emotional connection or signs of affection holding hands is enough for a happily ever after,
I wonder if you remember that or even noticed, kinda amusing now just thinking about it,
Kids say the darndest things, always jumping straight to conclusions,
Just to let you know, I’m doing alright, got up to this point mostly intact, been some challenges along the way but everyone goes through that,
Taking it all one step at a time, it’s really the best that we can do, take your time, pay others no mind, it’s your own path, how it goes only you determine that,
Anyway, just the musings of a man taking a trip back in time, come to think of it, what do you suppose our fellow peers are up to?
Just something to reflect over during whatever downtime we can spare, which, in adulthood, is just so damn rare.