They say we can’t be pals, that it can never be,
Why? You ask, no room for platonic with opposites, apparently,
Temptation has the final say, unless one of us is gay,
Hook-ups are inevitable, getting fresh inevitable as day,
Can’t fight biology, urges and all, put ‘em together long enough, clothes are bound to fall,
And don’t get started on situations when one or both are committed,
They may stay faithful, others lack respect and discipline, it’s a one-in-two-chance, why even risk it?
Better keep an eye on ‘em, so they’re sayin’, ‘lest you want to lose ‘em,
Guys and gals just can’t be pals, don’t say they didn’t warn ya.
But who are they to presume that all are crude and crass?
That it’s straight to the sack as soon as they cross paths?
How little trust must you have towards ‘em if you ain’t letting ‘em mingle with others, can’t control ‘em 24/7, you ain’t their mother or father,
Sounds like y’all are projecting your own lack of self-control, perhaps your own insecurities,
How’d you feel if the tables were turned? If they’re dictating with whom you’re allowed to converse,
If there’s love and respect they’d behave themselves, never do you dirty,
So leave that distrust at the door, no one looks good oozing petty jealousy,
And what if they befriended the opposite gender before they met their significant other?
They supposed to leave them behind? Their ride or dies for life?
Your issues aren’t their burden, your paranoia could cause them to flick ya,
The hell you even doing with ‘em if you ain’t trusting ‘em? That shit sounds fucking counter-productive.
Sit and chill out, let ‘em all be pals,
You wouldn’t want the same treatment, to have your own circles limited,
But of course, there’s also that proverbial elephant in the room,
This can only work if both parties agree to keep it cool,
No catching feelings, no silly business and fooling around,
If one or both can’t or won’t then it’s obviously a big, glaring ‘nope’,
But if they’re just hanging out, chopping up like a couple of buds,
No need to get worked up, let ‘em have friends while you have yours,
And if they ran together long before you’d arrived, your demands to separate ‘em instantly disqualified, couples aren’t always certain but true friendship lasts forever.